We thoroughly enjoyed Jim & Nancy's visit, which was a couple of weekends ago. They brought beautiful weather with them -- wonderful, bright, Indian summer days. They managed to accomplish quite a good collection of "sight-seeing", too.
Sunday we lunched at the Riessersee Hotel overlooking the lake and wonderful mountain view. Later that day we hiked into the Partnach gorge to experience the marvelous rush of mountain waters barrelling down the mountainside. Monday Charles carried them over to visit the "Disney castle" - Neuschwanstein and other nearby sites. Monday evening we dinnered together at a local Partenkirchen gasthaus, which came complete with live Bavarian music.
Charles managed to get them over to the Bahnhof early Tuesday morning in time to catch the train to Austria. They were headed to Salzburg by way of Innsbruck and then later in the week on to Praque.
Altogether, we enjoyed their visit and were happy to have had the opportunity to spend several days together. ~M
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