I would very much like a partner when I try to do it.
So far everyone I've asked has looked at me
with amazement
and asked:
I love watching (on clear, sunny days, of course) the brave ones who are soaring about in the skies above.
I think it would be wonderful
~ to be free as a bird
~ high above the earth looking around
at the land below.
This morning CG and I watched one person stay up for a very long time. S/he wasn't coming down any time soon; kept on taking large spirals around close to the mountaintops.
You're probably still wondering why would JG want to do this?
**** I'll tell you.****
It's because I'm scared to death of actually climbing high up into the mountains and then (shudder) simply jumping off. Silly, isn't it?
So that's why I decided that I would set this goal for myself, to do while I'm living here amongst the mountains:
Jump off a mountain!
Won't you join me?
Won't you join me?
I bet you Hannah would LOVE to jump with you ;)