
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rainy, rainy, rainy days and cool out there, too! Trouble with rising water in the river and ponds developing in the fields. I've had to dig out my long sleeve shirts to wear; I put them up a couple of weekends ago when the sun visited and temps got up in the 80s. Everyone tries to stay hopeful and any whisper of good weather to come is grabbed up and tucked away into our spirits. It's Friday tomorrow, which is always a boost; add expectations for a bright weekend and the energy level quickly rises.

Alongside all that, I've been excited with things I've been learning lately. Copyright issues at work, digitization projects, solving computer problems for colleagues make for a satisfying and challenging mix. Did I mention that I love my job?

To top off everything, curtains arrived in today's mail! Couldn't wait to get them up and admire the transformation they brought to the rooms. Civilized. Soft, warm light. Privacy.

All is well with m-mountainmomma.

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