I have just returned from several whirlwind visits in the States. First stop was New Orleans, where I attended both two days of copyright courses and the Special Librarians Association conference. I managed to get out and about for one full day after the conference ended before hopping north to visit Emily in Fayetteville, NC. While visiting with Emily I viewed Ft. Bragg and surrounding area for the first time. Also made the acquaintance of Jason, whom I liked very much. The weekend in NC passed quickly and soon Esther arrived to carry me up to Washington DC, where I attended a two day meeting at NDU then remained to attend the American Libraries Association conference. Along the way Esther and I stopped to visit Richmond, VA, where she will be attending VCU in the fall. We spotted the area where her classes will be held and visited several neat coffee/sandwich shops. We spent two days together looking around the area hoping to find a new home for her and her kitties. That feat required another two days of Esther's time, but she returned home Friday with her goal achieved. Emily drove up to DC on Saturday and we hung out together there until Tuesday, when I returned home to Germany.
Well! It was quite a trip with many
challenges to overcome and goals to reach. Thanks to the support of many friends, all turned out well.
I can't explain, however, how it turned out that I only have pictures from New Orleans! In case you were wondering.....I wore a different pair of shoes and they were comfortable, for the most part. One day in DC I managed to burn two blisters into the pads of my feet, but the very next day I discovered some wonderful insoles w/gel that massage your feet while you walk and from that time on I walked in peace. -M
Whew! I'm glad you made it back safe and sound Ma! Love you!