
Sunday, July 24, 2011

New project

What with all the rain and cool weather, I finally felt motivated to begin my new stitching project. I've had the pattern, cloth and threads for quite some time now and even started just a little bit. But then I put it down and left it until I could reconcile some feelings that kept stirring around inside me everytime I even thought about the project and all the work that would have to go into it to complete it. I'm still feeling a bit ambivalent about it, but having spent some time with it now I'm beginning to feel the 'groove' return. Not sure how it will turn out, but the project has begun. ~M

BTW, that's my little bird that keeps an eye out for spare threads to use in a potential nest....

1 comment:

  1. Mother, I for one am excited to see how it turns out! I know it will be beautiful (and appreciated).
